Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP®) Program

The Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP®) Program is an intensive course for practitioners that provides a comprehensive and solid foundation in human resource management.

During this certification program, participants will learn how to carry out hiring processes and how to develop adequate compensation with the development of a salary policy, social benefits, and contracts. Participants will learn and practice how to develop an HR strategy and guidelines, how to develop procedures for job evaluations, promotions, and training programs for the workforce. Particular emphasis is placed on managing intercultural and gender issues.

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If you want to join the latest batch of CHRP Program, just fill up the registration form. Please click the button below

Program Pictures


“The learning is fun and challenging as it is very sharing of these hard-core and globally competitive HR participants and the simulated case studies. It’s actually a rare and wonderful opportunity to be part of this group it’s a perk for me!”

Anabel O. Valencia
Finance Officer, Claret School of QC

“I really liked the course and outline of the program. The facilitator explained the course well and my objective was met to understand more about HR and Share/learn best practices.”

Richa Chaudhary
Recruitment Director, Teledevelopment